FDR’s Beloved Island
It all started with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s parents. They summered at Campobello Island hotels and loved it so much they bought land and built a summer cottage. From FDR’s childhood, he spent summers on Campobello from July through early September and later enjoyed time there with his wife, Eleanor, and children.
What attracted the family most to the island was the abundance of outdoor activity and recreation. They golfed, hiked, and explored the rugged terrain, often times picnicking along the beautiful coastline.
From the age of one, for almost 40 years until he was stricken with polio in 1921, FDR spent his summers on this picturesque island.
Be sure to visit the Roosevelt Campobello International Park and Cottage, only a one kilometer walk along the beach from the Inn, to learn more about the rich history of FDR before he became the 32nd U.S. President.